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EFMU – Mustio weather station

Webcam image and sound file is updated every 5 minutes

EFMU – Mustio audio report

EFMU – Mustio Webcam

EFMU -Mustio live weather information

EFMU – Mustio wind

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Information about Weather stations


Weather Station EFMU was created in 2006. Information is updated every 5 seconds

The station may be out of order during service or upgrades.

Layout and information included may change without warning


The station consists of multiple sensors placed in strategic locations. These sensors send the signal wirelessly and the sensors get all theor power from solar energy. The signal is sent to a relay which in turn send the data to the weather station. The station is connected to a computer that runs a special software which in turn forwards the collected data to a server.
Finaly the data is sent to an additional program that converts it to a more comprehensible layout.

For more detailed information about wind, sunshine UV, temp and cost quotations, call or write an email


Per-Erik ”Pelle” Grönroos
pelle.gronroos at

Weather Station

In the media

Radio report YLE Väst-Nyland 2007

Newspaper article in Västra Nyland – 2007 (PDF)